Friday, July 31, 2009

A True Sad Story

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Claire. The girl was 23 years old. She was pretty and clever. She had a boyfriend and she was engaged with him. Claire had an influenza but she thought that the influenza wasn't very dangerous. So, she ignored it until the illness spread and became a sinusitis.
One day, she got a light headache. She didn't care the headache so much. She only just drank some headache medicine. Until the headache became more and more painful, but she still didn't care much about his headache.
Four months before her engagement, Her head was very painful. She said to her mother that she couldn't take it anymore. She said,"Mom, My head feels like it gonna be explode!". Unfortunately, she felt unconscious. So, Her mother took her to the hospital.
In the hospital, the doctor tried his best to save her. The doctor know that she was in a critical condition and she could die in anytime.So, the doctor tried to operate her. But it was no use. The mucus had already spread into her brain. Finally, she died four months before her engagement.
Claire began to imagine in her mind about her engagement, her boyfriend, and her family. Suddenly, she began to fell asleep and all in her mind were slowly disappeared. She began to realize that she was slowly got out from her body and began to flew away and away until she couldn't see anything. She began to think," Am I really dead?"
Claire thought that again and again. Finally she realize that she was dead and she were going to a place called "Home".

1 comment:

  1. oi ler, link blog donk!! haha,

